Summer Updates

tyler.frankenstein's picture

Howdy folks,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer, and spending as much time as possible sitting in front of a computer and writing code. Just kidding! Please find that delicate balance between nature and the computer chair.

What's New

DrupalGap has had many great improvements since our last newsletter. There is a new version of the Module and SDK available for download. Here are some of the new features available:

Be sure to upgrade to utilize these new features, and to squash the bugs.

DrupalGap at DrupalCon Austin

If you weren't able to make it to DrupalCon Austin this year, there was a joint presentation with Scott from Commerce Guys, and myself. Our presentation was on using Drupal Commerce and DrupalGap to Build a Mobile App for In-App Purchases. Here's the video on YouTube:

Also, it was really cool to meet and greet with some folks who have been using DrupalGap and to hear positive (and negative) feedback. I very much appreciate the community feedback for DrupalGap, and am looking forward to future conferences and camps.

Call for Apps

With over 600 Drupal websites reporting an install of the DrupalGap module, it would be great to see some of the apps that have been built out there. If you haven't already, please submit an app to the DrupalGap App Directory to showcase your development.

Call for a Theme(s)

Have a cool DrupalGap theme designed that you'd like to share? Be the first to submit a contributed theme for the DrupalGap community.

Contributions from the Community

This project would not be where it is today without contributions from others in the open source world. I'd like to an extend a special thanks out to these new contributors:

New Core Contributors

New Donors

New Sponsors

New DrupalGap Association Members


Here's a rough overview of where DrupalGap is headed:

  • Support all Core Fields
  • Support Multi Value Fields on Entity Forms
  • Support More Popular Contrib Modules
  • Drupal 8

As always, head over to the support page for help topics related to DrupalGap. Thanks, and happy coding!

- Tyler Frankenstein