DrupalGap Update #1

tyler.frankenstein's picture

Thanks for reading the first DrupalGap weekly update. As suggested by a fellow DrupalGap user, we'd like to share more frequent updates with everyone.

These new features, improvements and bug fixes are currently available in the dev snapshots of the module and SDK.

New Features & Improvements

  • New Hook: hook_drupalgap_goto_preprocess()
  • New Hook: hook_drupalgap_goto_post_process()
  • The comment feature got a makeover, and now the comment system looks much better.
  • Entity field item objects are now sent to hook_field_widget_form(), making it easier to handle fields on entity edit forms.
  • When editing an entity with an image field, existing images now show up on the edit form, and the image is no longer lost upon entity update.
  • When clicking an Android device's back button on the app front page, an "Exit?" confirmation dialog is displayed.
  • Support for popular contrib modules (e.g. flag, logintoboggan, rate, etc) have moved outside of drupalgap.module, and into their own sub modules. Learn more.

Bug Fixes

  • When using theme_image(), images will no longer stretch outside the width of their parent container.
  • Fixed drupalgap_confirm() to use a normal confirm dialog in Ripple, and to use PhoneGap's confirm dialog elsewhere.
  • When clicking an Android device's back button on the app front page, it no longer results in a WSOD.

New Tutorial

DrupalGap Partner Program

How to Get Involved

Have an idea about how DrupalGap can be improved? Spot a bug? Squasshed a bug?

Thanks, and happy coding!