Submitted by tyler.frankenstein on
Hello DrupalGap Community,
Here is issue #2 of the DrupalGap Update newsletter.
New Releases
A new version of the SDK and Drupal module are available for download. Many new features, bug fixes and performance improvements have been added, so checkout the upgrade guide to get started.
Website Updates
We turned on profile pictures on accounts, login to set your profile picture!
New Features & Improvements
- Popup Menus (Drop Down Menus)
- Multiple Checkboxes
- Collapsibleset Widgets with Views
- Form Element Title Placeholders
- Multiple Menu Links in a Region
- Updated the core easystreet3 theme with better regions
- New default.settings.js file with popup menus and region links
- Search Block and Search Results
Bug Fixes
- Properly Queue Multiple Async Calls to Prevent Duplicate Server Calls
- This fix provides a huge performance increase by stopping duplicate calls to the server.
- Existing values for these fields now load into entity edit forms properly:
Contrib Modules
New Module
We're excited to announce support for the Webform module. Special thanks goes out to for sponsoring its development!
Updated Modules
Support for the following contributed modules has been removed from the core DrupalGap module, and moved into sub modules:
When updating the DrupalGap module on your Drupal site, be sure to enable the corresponding sub module to support any of the contributed modules mentioned above.
Contrib Themes
Since our last newsletter, sahayarex has built the first contributed theme for DrupalGap, simpletheme. It features slide out menu panels, and a nice light color scheme!
New Tutorials
- Alter Title of Existing Page
- Buttons on Forms
- Menu Links with only an Icon, no Text
- Select List with Multiple Selectable Options
- Form Attributes
- Form Prefix and Suffix
How to Get Involved
Have an idea about how DrupalGap can be improved? Spoted a bug? Squashed a bug?
- View the DrupalGap contributions page to learn more about getting involved
- Join the DrupalGap Association or make a donation to support DrupalGap
Need Help?
- Geting Started
- Troubleshooting
- Upgrading
- Support Topics
- Premium Support (see the partner program for discounts)
Stay Connected
Thanks, and happy coding!