Update #4

tyler.frankenstein's picture

Hello DrupalGap Community,

Here is issue #4 of the DrupalGap Update newsletter.

New Releases

Be sure to follow the upgrade guide for the latest features and bug fixes.

New page.tpl.html Syntax Required

Very important notice for any custom DrupalGap themes, you must update your page.tpl.html file.

Use DrupalGap to Build Web Apps

That's right folks, DrupalGap can now be used to build web applications. That means our app can run online as a web application, and will work across multiple modern browsers like FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer. Our single "app" directory in DrupalGap can now be used to power mobile apps for Android and iOS devices, and can be used as a stand alone web app available online for desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile devices. This is perfect for a "headless" Drupal.

Introducing DrupalGap Manager

Perhaps you've heard of an amazing tool called Drush for Drupal development? Now imagine if we had something similar for DrupalGap. Thanks to Alexander Schedrov, we now have that tool... DrupalGap Manager!

Welcome drupalgap.min.js to the Party

The new drupalgap.min.js file is 35% the size of the regular drupalgap.js file. Use this new minified version for production environments, and to increase performance for your users!

New Core Features & Improvements

Core Bug Fixes

New Contrib Module

Contrib Module Updates

New Documentation

New DrupalGap Association Members

New DrupalGap Donor

New Presentations

How to Get Involved

Have an idea about how DrupalGap can be improved? Spotted a bug? Squashed a bug?

Need Help?

Stay Connected

Thanks, and happy coding!