
A module for DrupalGap 8 to display dialog boxes.

Drupal Core: 

  • 8.x


Instead of using JavaScript's default alert() function, it is recommended to use dg.alert(). When in compiled app mode, this function utilizes Cordova's notification.alert(), so the Dialogs plugin for Cordova.

Here's the simplest use:

dg.alert(dg.t('Hello World'));

This function is asynchronous, so any code after it will continue to run. However, you can pass in a callback function to run code after the notification is closed, like so:

dg.alert(dg.t('Hello World'), {
    alertCallback: function() {
      // do something when the alert is closed...

This feature also allows you to customize the title of the message box, and customize the text that appears on the button:

dg.alert(dg.t('Hello World'), {
    title: dg.t('My Alert Title'),
    buttonName: dg.t('Done')


dg.confirm(dg.t('Are you sure?'), {
  confirmCallback: function(button) {
    if (button == 1) { // Ok.

    else if (button == 2) { // Cancel.
