
A module for DrupalGap 8 to easily display modal windows.

Drupal Core: 

  • 8.x


A module for DrupalGap 8 to easily display modal windows.

Inspired by:


Add the modal block to one of your theme's regions in the settings.js file. We recommend adding it right before the messages block in the content region of your theme, for example:

content: {

    // The modal block.
    modal: { },

    // DrupalGap's messages block.
    messages: { },


var msg = dg.t('Everything is OK.'); 



Use a unique id if you'd need to be able to open multiple modal at once. It defaults to modal if one wasn't provided.

var msg = dg.t('I am a human, not an id number!');
dg.modal(msg, {
  id: 'my-custom-modal'


Use type to specify what kind of modal will be shown:

  • default
  • status
  • warning
  • error
var msg = dg.t('The robots are coming.'); 
dg.modal(msg, {
  type: 'warning'

You can provide a custom string for type if you want, and it will be used as a CSS class name on the wrapper. See the _attributes section below for more about custom classes and attributes.


Use the title to set the text that appears in the header, or null to use no text:

var msg = dg.t('Do you want one?'); 
dg.modal(msg, {
  title: dg.t('Bitcoin')


Use the alertCallback to do something after the user closes the dialog:

var msg = dg.t('Sarcasm detector disabled.');
dg.modal(msg, {
  type: 'error',
  alertCallback: function(button) {




Use buttonName to specify the text shown on the button in the footer of the modal.

var msg = dg.t('Something amazing happened.');
dg.modal(msg, {
  buttonName: dg.t('Continue')


Use _attributes to specify any custom attributes you'd like added to the modal div.

var msg = dg.t('Look at my hot attributes.');
dg.modal(msg, {
  id: 'my-custom-modal',
  buttonName: dg.t('Continue'),
  _attributes: {
    class: ['foo', 'bar'],
    id: 'my-custom-modal'

You must use a unique id for this to work, it will not work with the default modal id. If you need to modify the attributes on the modal block, use hook_blocks_build_alter() instead.


Set _footer to false to not render a footer with the modal:

dg.modal('Hello', {
  _footer: false,

Dialog replacement

If you're not using the dg_dialogs module, then you can use dg.alert() for modals:

var msg = dg.t('Everything is OK.');

If you are using dg_dialogs module, then dg_modal will not set up a proxy on dg.alert(), and instead you use dg.modal().


 * Implements hook_modal_open().
function example_modal_open(modal) {

  // Do something when our custom modal is opened.
  if ( == 'my-custom-modal') {

  // Do something else when any modal is opened.


 * Implements hook_modal_close().
function example_modal_close(modal) {

  // Do something when our custom modal is closed.
  if ( == 'my-custom-modal') {

  // Do something when any modal is closed.



Load a form in a modal

var element = {};
element.controls = {
  _theme: 'form',
  _id: 'MyCustomForm'

Programmatically open modal


Programmatically close modal

dg_modal.close(); // Closes all modals.
dg_modal.close('my-custom-modal'); // Close a certain modal.

Check if modal is open

if (dg_modal.isOpen()) {
  // At least one modal is open.
else if (dg_modal.isOpen('my-custom-modal')) {
  // My custom modal is open.